Master of International Business

Across borders, languages and cultures

We live in a modern global economy where a major disruption to financial markets or political rule in one part of the world can send shockwaves throughout the globe within minutes. Being able to understand and react appropriately to such global issues will make or break many organisations.

The world has never been smaller and more closely connected through technology. Many of the things that, in the past, were seen as obstacles to conducting global trade, such as language and cultural barriers, are now embraced and seen as opportunities to trade with markets containing hundreds of millions of potential consumers. Geographic isolation or problems with sharing information can often now be resolved with the click of a mouse.

The world will truly be your oyster with a 12 month Master of International Business (university-of-otago-master-of-international-business) degree from the University Otago. It will enable you to understand the global business environment, gain skills and knowledge to tackle language or cultural challenges, and open the door to a world of career opportunities where trade or cross-border transactions and communication take place on a daily basis.

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